Children’s Sunday School & Events at Trinity Glendora
Our Lord took time for children in His ministry and we are blessed at Trinity Glendora to get to serve children and youth in various ways.
From September through May there is a Sunday school and youth Bible class program that meets before the service from 8:45-9:45. There is a Bible Story as well as other activities like games, crafts, songs, snacks, etc. During the Sunday morning service children are invited forward for a message with Pastor.
In addition to Sunday morning, children from 3rd-8th grade are invited to come on Thursday evenings from 6:45-8:15 for our weekday school and confirmation program which runs through most of the school year. Here they will have opportunities to learn Bible Stories as well as the teachings of Scripture as they are set forth in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. There are typically games and snacks as part of this program as well. The teachers who lead our weekday school program also put on an annual “lock-in” and a Christmas party that the children look forward to every year.
There are a couple of other annual events as well as some periodic activities. Each year on Christmas Eve, the children take the lead for that service and prepare a program where they tell us about the birth of our Savior Jesus and just what He means for us. Then, during the summer each year, there is an evening week of Vacation Bible School. It is a fun week of games, crafts, songs, snacks and Scripture. At the end of the week the children sing at the Sunday morning service. There are other fun and educational activities throughout the year which include movie nights, trips to amusement parks, a car hop, retreats, tubing, etc. Sometimes we have a youth ensemble play during our worship services and other times the children sing a song they learned in Sunday School
There are a lot of opportunities for children and youth to learn and grow and serve the Lord Jesus at Trinity Glendora